Months after calling off an earlier search due to a court challenge, geoscience data company Searcher Seismic has applied for a new permit and revealed plans to once again survey for oil and gas off the West Coast of South Africa. The company is applying for authorisation to carry out the activity in multiple oil and gas blocks and ultra-deep water. The survey will be conducted in an area 256 km offshore from St Helena Bay and will stretch to 220 km offshore from Hondeklip Bay. The survey area at the closest point is approximately 218 km offshore of the Western and Northern Cape coast. It covers the Northern Cape Ultra Deep Licence Area and various petroleum licence blocks.
REGISTER AND BE HEARD: Searcher proposes to undertake a 3D seismic survey off the West Coast of South Africa. The proposed project area is located between approximately 256 km offshore of St Helena Bay, extending north along the western coastline to approximately 220 km offshore of Hondeklip Bay. The survey area at the closest point is approximately 218 km offshore of the coast of the Western and Northern Cape. Via Oceans Not Oil.
To registered as an Interested and Affected Party (I&AP) submit your name, contact details, the reason for your interest or any comments, in writing or telephonically, to EIMS:
Contact Person: Qaphela Magaqa
EIMS Reference Number: 1518
Postal Address: P.O. Box 2083; Pinegowrie; 2123
Telephone: (011) 789 7170/ Fax: (086) 571 9047
Additional documentation is available on the Environmental Impact Management Services (Pty) Ltd website at the following link:
Sources & further information:
Major oil exploration planned off South Africa’s coast | Bloomberg, 15 July 2022
Searcher is back with a second attempt at seismic survey off the West Coast | News24, 15 July 2022
Again? Searcher Seismic reveals plans for offshore oil search in SA | The South African, 15 July 2022